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Created by: Various

Issue 261: This week's cover artwork is a celebration of the over 100 talented artists within the last 2+ years who have contributed to the Math Onco collection. To aid in the celebration, we've printed out stickers and postcards to share. If you'll be at the Society for Mathematical Biology annual meeting next week, there's a chance to acquire one of these nifty postcards. As a token of thanks, each artist will receive their own cover art printed on a sticker1. For the rest of you, we've printed 200 stickers and 100 postcards of our favorite designs. We plan to give stickers away during the Math Oncology subgroup meeting (time TBD). First come, first served! A special thank you to Maximilian Strobl and Ryan Schenck for their work to curate and collect cover artwork each week − and thank you to Sandy Anderson for generously funding the printing!