Johnny Ottesen
Group Leader: Cancitis Research Group @ Centre for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease
Roskilde, Denmark

Description: Cancitis – an abbreviation of Cancer and the Latin word itis for inflammation - is part of the National Center for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease (COMMAND) at RUC. The Center for Mathematical Modeling - Health and Disease collaborates with the PandemiX Center, Center for Big Data and Center for Sundhedsfremmeforskning at RUC. Nationally, we have a well established collaboration with Hospitals in Region Copenhagen and in particular Dept. of Hematology, Region Zealand, Roskilde. The collaboration includes co-financed PhD students/postdocs focusing on educating and recruiting young researchers. We are member of the Danish Life Science Cluster 'Center for (Early) Diagnosis and Treatment/Clinical Health Data Science' and Key member of the Greater Copenhagen CAG (Clinical Academic Group) initiative 'ZIRI: The Zealand Inflammation Research Initiative. Chronic Inflammation, Vascular Diseases, and Cancer. Mutations in Blood Cells - a Common Link?'. The Cancitis group and the Center for Mathematical Modeling - Health and Disease at RUC host a recent Lundbeck-Foundation's Fellowship led by Prof. Thomas Stiehl on 'Mathematical modeling of Acute Leukemia' (2021-2025) in collaboration with Zealand University Hospital, Department of Hematology. The team members have successfully been investigating ways to work with Region Zealand and Region Copenhagen blood bank data and the Statens Serum Institute to create a brand new natural observatory for disease protection (antibodies, mutations, etc.) in Danish population age cohorts.