Mathematical Oncology

Thomas Yankeelov

Group Leader: Yankeelov Lab @ The University of Texas

"Center for Computational Oncology"
Austin, Texas, USA

Description: Thomas Yankeelov is the director of the Center for Computational Oncology at The University of Texas, where he also leads a lab group dedicated to mathematical oncology. Learn more about the CCO center and it's other members here.

The vision for the Center for Computational Oncology (CCO) is to develop biophysical models of tumor initiation, growth, invasion, and metastasis to establish a sound theoretical framework describing the hallmarks of cancer, and to use this knowledge to discover fundamental cancer biology, and develop tumor forecasting methods to optimize treatment and outcomes for the individual patient.

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Artworks by Thomas Yankeelov :

Each week, we feature cover artwork submitted by mathematical oncology researchers around the world. Browse the contributions of Thomas Yankeelov below. Click to expand each cover, or browse the full collection here.