Mathematical Oncology

Jeffrey West M

Group Leader: Evolutionary Dynamics, Interactions, & Therapy @ Moffitt Cancer Center

Tampa, Florida, USA

Description: The goal of our research group is to aid in targeting treatment resistance by constructing mathematical models of 1) tumor evolution and heterogeneity and 2) evolutionary-minded treatment strategies, employing techniques such as agent-based modeling, dose response convexity analysis (second-order effects), and evolutionary game theory. These methods are broadly applicable to many cancer types, but recent publications have focused on applications to breast and prostate cancer.

Follow Jeffrey West on Twitter: @mathoncbro.

Blog posts written by Jeffrey West M :

Browse the article contributions of Jeffrey West below or browse the full blog here.

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Artworks by Jeffrey West M :

Each week, we feature cover artwork submitted by mathematical oncology researchers around the world. Browse the contributions of Jeffrey West below. Click to expand each cover, or browse the full collection here.